Each year alumni are each asked to please consider a voluntary pledge of $120 (just $10 a month) to help sustain and grow the program.

We each had the opportunity to play because a generation of alumni before us gave back to the game. And the Club continues to help guys – like us – at a place in their lives where being part of our rugby club is formational to their future.

Today we ask that each Old Cat pay voluntary 'dues' of just $10 per month, to help fulfill the promise of access to top-class Arizona rugby. All proceeds directly benefit Arizona players. And if you can afford more, great.

Your donation of $120 or more brings recognition as a member of the Arizona Rugby Alumni Association Giving Society.

Click on the following link to celebrate and be recognized for your belief in what Arizona Rugby has been, and will further become.



"Dues" are a voluntary assessment requested of each rugby alumnus on an annual basis. These funds are directed through the UA Foundation for Wildcat Rugby's general fund. Proceeds from this fund supplement the fundraising efforts and dues payed by current players, to address the day-to-day operation of the Club, including player travel, equipment, kit, etc.  

Alumni fundraising for the Club focuses involves three major focus areas: 

  • Alumni Association Member "Dues" are voluntary fees requested of each rugby alumnus on an annual basis. These funds are directed through the UA Foundation for rugby's general fund. Proceeds from this fund supplement the fundraising and dues payed by players, to address the day-to-day operation of the Club, including player travel, equipment, kit, etc.

  • The Endowment Fund. These funds are invested by the Foundation and pay an return on the principal each year. These lasting gifts are targeted towards merit scholarships for rugby players.

  • Event Sponsorship: The Association organizes an increasing number of fundraising events, including the William David Sitton Memorial Strong & Tough Golf Tournament.

Join your teammates as we all do our part. If we all did just $120 (and if you prefer, a $10/mo. recurring charge), we'll put a major dent in the bills. Join us to be part of Arizona Rugby today, by clicking here:  


Endowment funds, from small amounts to major legacy gifts, are invested by the Arizona Foundation, paying a return on the principal each year.  The Sitton Fund was established to support the programmatic needs of the University of Arizona Men's Rugby Team. Utilization of the payout, described in the endowment agreement, is at the discretion as approved by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director of Campus Recreation for The University of Arizona Men's Rugby program. Your lasting gift will be targeted towards the sustained development of rugby operations. Alumni donating to the Arizona Rugby Endowment (>$120) are credited with "dues" for the year.